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> 耳筒類-HeahPhone/EarPhone > 有線耳筒-Corded Ear Phone > FOCAL AZURYS 法國 高級頭戴式有線耳筒

法國 高級頭戴式有線耳筒



(法國製造Made in France)

每月HKD $356 (共12個月)
LASTUPDATE: 30-09-2024


HKD $4,280
產品備註 :

特點: 法國製鋁鎂M型球面動圈, 低沉的低音, 平滑的高音

 2024年8月FOCAL AZURYS 封閉式頭戴耳機
    Passive Closed-back headphones
 耳機類型: 頭戴式, 封閉式頭戴耳機
 單元: 40mm 鋁鎂 M 型球面動圈單元
 15/8'' (40mm) 鋁/鎂“M”形圓頂
 頻率響應: 15Hz~22kHz (+/- 3DB)
 諧波失真率:  THD 0.2% @1kHz / 100 dB SPL
 阻抗: 26Ω
 最大SPL等級 (峰值@1m): 100dB SPL
 無論您身在何處, 都可以享受Focal 聲音
 電纜接線內建麥克風, 輕鬆進行電話通話
 這些無源封閉式耳機因其設計, 高保真音質以及無論

 其頂級設計融入了Focal 技術, 使其成為精緻高性能耳機
    Azurys 配備了鋁/鎂"M "圓頂揚聲器, 由我們的聲學專家設計,
    並在法國的車間精心製作! 這兩種材料的結合可提供異常清晰

    真皮頭帶、透氣編織織物和記憶海綿耳墊, 讓這款耳機具有

 鎂合金軛圈確保了耳機的輕盈和完美貼合, 使其成為音樂愛好者

    Azurys 的藍色靈感來自具有治療功效的半寶石--天青石,
    既現代又富有磁力! 優雅的FOCAL 設計程式碼凸顯了


 這將穩定揚聲器, 讓您充分享受耳機
    Focal 工程師將其在揚聲器製造方面的所有專有技術用於無線

 40 毫米全頻鋁/鎂電動揚聲器由FOCAL 的車間製造,
    繼承了專利技術, 是Focal 的專利創新產品

 鋁增加了圓頂的硬度, 大大減少了失真,而鎂的加入則提供了

 這種合金使揚聲器能夠發出低沉的低音, 平滑的高音和
    清晰的人聲, 從而獲得極其準確的音質

 FOCAL Azurys Closed-back headphones
    With Azurys, enjoy Focal sound wherever you are.

 These passive closed-back headphones stand out
    for their design, their hi-fi sound quality and the
    immersive listening experience they offer, whether
    at home or on the move. Their top-of-the-line design,
    infused with Focal technologies, makes them
    sophisticated, high-performance headphones.

    Azurys is equipped with Aluminum/Magnesium "M"
    dome speakers, engineered by our acoustic specialists
    and crafted in our workshops in France. The combination
    of these two materials delivers sound with exceptional
    clarity and precision.

    Genuine leather headband, breathable braided textile,
    and memory foam earpads, these headphones offer
    unbeatable insulation and comfort. Plus, the magnesium
    yoke ensures a lightweight and perfect fit, making them
    the perfect choice for music lovers on the go!

    Inspired by azurite, a semi-precious stone with healing
    properties, Azurys' blue color is as modern as it is magnetic.
    Its elegant finish is enhanced further by Focal's signature
    design codes.

    These headphones need a running-in period to reach full
    performance. This will happen naturally after several hours
    of listening. If you wish to accelerate the process, we recommend
    that you play the headphones for at least 24 hours at a

    relatively high volume level, on tracks rich in low frequencies.
    This will stabilize the loudspeakers and allow you to enjoy
    your headphones to the full.

 連接器: Jack 3.5 mm
 重量: 306g
 產地: 法國製造 (Made in France)
    4尺(1.25m) 插孔1/8" (3.5mm) 電纜連遙控, 麥克風及手提保護包
    4ft (1.25m) mini-jack cable with remote control &
    microphone & Carry case