英國Audiolab 7000CDT CD Player播放機
2023年9月全新型號CD播放器 播放光碟: CD, CD-R/CD-RW 2.8" IPS LCD屏幕 (480×640) Digital Output Voltage Level: 500±50mVpp 頻率響應: -0.01dB (20Hz~20kHz, ref.1kHz) 諧波失真低於0.002% Output Impedance: 75Ω Max Sampling Rate: 44.1 kHz 同時支援20Hz~20kHz頻率響應及低於0.002%
的諧波失真, 難怪音色如此乾淨 回歸傳統抽屜式CD機構:
部分技術由旗艦 9000CDT 向下移植 7000CDT回歸傳統抽屜式CD承盤設計,
可實現準確無誤的CD播放 7000CDT 的部分技術由旗艦 9000CDT 向下移植,
內部伺服電路板的數位緩衝器read head digital buffer
來減少光碟讀取的失誤, 有效減低雷射頭讀取CD數據時
的障礙, 就算播放表面有刮痕的CD唱片都難不到它,
提高不良CD片的讀取率 為確保數位信號完美傳送到DAC或數位擴大機的DA線路,
7000CDT 的數位同軸與光纖輸出由差分線路驅動器傳送,
主時鐘由高精度晶體振盪器控制, 使同軸和光纖的數位輸出
表現出極低的抖動(數位失真)水平 單純的MCU伺服電路主板配合高精度主時鐘,
降低時基誤差, 伺服電路主時鐘採用溫度補償晶體振盪器
temperature-compensated cystal oscillator控制,
以確保不論音訊以光纖或同軸輸出時, 都能減少時基誤差與
數位干擾, 7000CDT頻率響應精確於 20Hz~20kHz,
諧波失真低於0.002%。電源供應採用Noratel (箭豬)
為Audiolab客製化環型變壓器, 提供純淨高效率電源 機器內部並已安排電源接地處理, MCU伺服主板以大型
排線控制CD機構與前控制板有效運作, 一切電路佈局
皆合情合理並採最佳路徑運行 另外7000CDT 的薄型托盤可減少碟片的磨擦,
而產生的振動 全新互動式(GUI)彩色螢幕:
支援隨身碟(USB HDD)音樂檔案播放, 7000CDT
螢幕換上全新的全彩IPS LCD屏幕 (2.8" 解析480×640),
具備互動式操作顯示(GUI), 播放CD唱片可顯示基本
曲目/時間, 播放USB HDD時可顯示歌名/時間,
提供使用者掌握訊息 機背設有USB槽:
可讀取包含MP3/WAV/AAC/WMA等音樂檔案格式 Audiolab 7000CDT CD Player Nestled between the 6000 and 9000, the 7000 fuses
premium traits into a pricing category that follows
the mantra of class-leading performance. Outwardly resembling the sequential series and
therefore offering a brand-wide visual aesthetic match,
the audiolab 7000CDT improves on the 6000CDT
with a new mechanism, USB HDD playback and a new
full-colour IPS LCD screen! More compact than the
9000 series and perfectly matched to the 6000 and
8300 series, it maintains crisp ergonomics, high-quality
engineering and an excellent all-round performance The master clock is controlled by a
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator,
enabling the digital output from both coaxial
and optical sockets to exhibit vanishingly
low levels of jitter (digital distortion). In addition, the coaxial output is fed from a
differential line driver to ensure a flawless
digital signal reaches the accompanying
DAC – naturally, the 32-bit DAC section in
the 7000A integrated amp is a superb
sonic match. By mounting the transport in its own,
electromagnetically shielded enclosure,
and including a dedicated power supply,
the digital signal extraction from any CD
is as accurate and precise as it is possible
to achieve. USB Storage Device Audio Format:
Support MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV format playback USB Storage Device File System:
Support FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 format 螢幕多國語言: 11種語言, 包括繁體中文)
特點: 支援20Hz~20kHz頻率響應及低於0.005%的諧波失真
播放光碟: CD, CD-R/CD-RW
2.8" IPS LCD屏幕 (480×640)
Digital Output Voltage Level: 500±50mVpp
頻率響應: -0.01dB (20Hz~20kHz, ref.1kHz)
Output Impedance: 75Ω
Max Sampling Rate: 44.1 kHz
的諧波失真, 難怪音色如此乾淨
部分技術由旗艦 9000CDT 向下移植
7000CDT 的部分技術由旗艦 9000CDT 向下移植,
內部伺服電路板的數位緩衝器read head digital buffer
來減少光碟讀取的失誤, 有效減低雷射頭讀取CD數據時
的障礙, 就算播放表面有刮痕的CD唱片都難不到它,
7000CDT 的數位同軸與光纖輸出由差分線路驅動器傳送,
主時鐘由高精度晶體振盪器控制, 使同軸和光纖的數位輸出
降低時基誤差, 伺服電路主時鐘採用溫度補償晶體振盪器
temperature-compensated cystal oscillator控制,
以確保不論音訊以光纖或同軸輸出時, 都能減少時基誤差與
數位干擾, 7000CDT頻率響應精確於 20Hz~20kHz,
諧波失真低於0.002%。電源供應採用Noratel (箭豬)
為Audiolab客製化環型變壓器, 提供純淨高效率電源
機器內部並已安排電源接地處理, MCU伺服主板以大型
排線控制CD機構與前控制板有效運作, 一切電路佈局
另外7000CDT 的薄型托盤可減少碟片的磨擦,
支援隨身碟(USB HDD)音樂檔案播放, 7000CDT
螢幕換上全新的全彩IPS LCD屏幕 (2.8" 解析480×640),
具備互動式操作顯示(GUI), 播放CD唱片可顯示基本
曲目/時間, 播放USB HDD時可顯示歌名/時間,
Audiolab 7000CDT CD Player
Nestled between the 6000 and 9000, the 7000 fuses
premium traits into a pricing category that follows
the mantra of class-leading performance.
Outwardly resembling the sequential series and
therefore offering a brand-wide visual aesthetic match,
the audiolab 7000CDT improves on the 6000CDT
with a new mechanism, USB HDD playback and a new
full-colour IPS LCD screen! More compact than the
9000 series and perfectly matched to the 6000 and
8300 series, it maintains crisp ergonomics, high-quality
The master clock is controlled by a
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator,
enabling the digital output from both coaxial
and optical sockets to exhibit vanishingly
low levels of jitter (digital distortion).
In addition, the coaxial output is fed from a
digital signal reaches the accompanying
DAC – naturally, the 32-bit DAC section in
the 7000A integrated amp is a superb
sonic match.
By mounting the transport in its own,
electromagnetically shielded enclosure,
and including a dedicated power supply,
the digital signal extraction from any CD
is as accurate and precise as it is possible
to achieve.
USB Storage Device Audio Format:
Support MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV format playback
USB Storage Device File System:
Support FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 format
螢幕多國語言: 11種語言, 包括繁體中文)
1組12V TRIG (A OUT)
1組12V TRIG (B OUT)
尺寸 W514 / H158 / D470 mm (包裝尺寸)
重量: 7.4 kg
顏色: 銀色(Silver)
另有 黑色 (Black) 可供選擇