相關產品 :
0.2 Micron Rating
3M DWS160-L 濾水器
4 STAGE 10"x4
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Stiebel Eltron 純清源濾水器
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斯寶亞創STREAM 3 x 10"
日本製造 5STAGE
樂聲牌 健康電解飲水機
特點: 濾除0.2微米細菌及微粒, 簡單方便"Push & Click"設計
全新美國 3M DWS160-L廚下型濾水器
過濾效能: 有效過濾沙石, 鐵銹, 餘氯, 異味,
重金屬(包括鉛), 隱孢子蟲, 細菌及*揮發性有機化學物
過濾密度: 0.2 微米
獲美國 NSF standard 42 and 53認証
1,500 Gallon (5,678 Liter) Capacity
0.6 GPM (2.27 LPM) Flow Rate
0.2 Micron Rating
Reduces: - Lead
99.99% of Parasitic Protozoan Cysts
Chlorine Taste and Odor
99.99% of Common Water-Borne Bacteria1 (E.Coli)
99.99% of Algae2
99.99% of Mold Spores2
FM 1500-B reduces bacteria through
mechanical filtration as opposed to irradiation
(as in case of UV) or disinfection methods
(as in case of ozone)
Compact design saves space
Sanitary quick change (SQC) system
eliminates the need to handle filter media
Easy to change filter. Insert, twist, that’s it.
1/4 turn technology
FDA CFR-21 compliant materials
FM 1500-B does not require electricity to operate
(UV and ozone use electrical energyto operate)
FM 1500-B does not contain mercury
(UV bulbs contain mercury and
require specialdisposal methods)
FM 1500-B point-of-use filter is
a substitute for bottled water
Lower product cost and operating
cost compared to UV and ozone
The 3M DWS160-L drinking water
有效過濾水量: 6,000 加侖 (22,712 公升)
流量: (高流量) 2.84 公升 / 分鐘
適用溫度: 攝氏4.4 - 38度
尺寸: W740 / H320mm
濾芯使用期 : 廠方建議為9至12個月,
產地: 美國製造 (Made in USA)
*包括: 苯(Benzene), 毒殺芬(Toxaphene),
送原廠3M標準安裝, 價值$450.-