美國OreGon SG338R智能地球儀AR (探索號) SmartGlobe Explorer AR
「AR智能地球儀」帶小朋友遊走大世界 提起地球儀, 大家可能想起那款架在座上的傳統款式,
沒有什麼功能, 想送給小朋友, 又怕他們沒有興趣? 原來現在的地球儀已經不局限於此, 可以是打得開,
有點讀功能, 又可配合AR玩法的升級版! Oregon Scientific推出SmartGlobe™ Explorer AR,
就是一個超乎你想像的智能地球儀 最重要就是, 這款地球儀還得到STEM.org™
所發出的證書, 證明有助於科學、科技、
工程及數學範疇的學習! 首個打得開的地球儀: 果然是非一般, 這款智能地球儀可以把地球從架上拿下來,
還可以打開, 打開了是什麼?就是地球的內部,
形象化地將地球結構展現出來, 地殼至地核都可一一學習 另一邊則介紹太陽系, 可認識不同行星: 單單看當然不夠, 用Smart Pen點讀筆和
專為這款地球儀開發的AR App, 可以有更多玩法,
小朋友就可以更徹底地探索! 兩大玩法, 邊玩邊學: Smart Pen點一點, 採用智能OID (光學辨識)
點讀技術的Smart Pen, 在地球儀點選知識範疇及
地區國家, 即時會讀出相關資料 涉及220+ 國家的20,000+條豐富知識,
通過點一點就可逐一學習 再加上42個學習遊戲, 以互動形式增加學習興趣,
家長可以同小朋友一齊玩, 一齊學 AR App立體動畫: Oregon Scientific更為SmartGlobe™
系列開發了AR App, 將AR技術及立體動畫融入玩法,
令地球儀再升級 打開專用AR App及相機鏡頭, 對住地球表面或內面,
立體動畫馬上顯示, 以生動形式帶出500+條學習內容 拍照功能讓小朋友可與巴黎鐵塔、熊貓、恐龍合照,
仿如親臨其境! 三大學習功能亮點: 內容定時更新-用附有的USB線連接電腦進行簡易更新 預設英文點讀內容, 可下載普通話等, 共8種外語可選 無線點讀筆設計,使用更靈活, USB充電 3個年齡組別內容-專為5-8歲, 9-14歲和15歲+而設 The SmartGlobe 338R surpasses all features
of a classic globe. Besides conventional globe
function, it’s "open" to offer another level of
interactive learning - solar system and Earth’s
Inner core, both with OID games and AR interactions. Currently no other globes in the market has
this level of engagement and interactive contents. SmartGlobe Explorer AR Model NO. SG338R World 1st and only "open" Globe in the market (with patent) Children age above 5 and their parents The "internet generation", both kids and their parents are
very familiar with internet, and looking for hi-tech, mobile,
connect oriented and interactive toys to replace
the traditional ones Parents and Granparents who want to give
educational entertainment to their kids that
believe into the key «Learning & Fun» Manufactured with safe-for -children materials
and coating. Putting your child out of harm’s way. State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Certification–
guaranteeing information authenticity, allowing
your child to gain genuine knowledge about
planet Earth! OID (Optical Identification) Technology
allows the kids to gain access to unlimited
insight about the world Simply click on the SmartGlobe surface to
release endless educational entertainment
with amazing facts about planet Earth! 1. 20,000+ amazing facts about the world:
covering humanities, geography, history and
other aspects compiled in 15 major categories 2. Discover 220+ countries, geographical locations,
population, leaders, etc. 3. Enhance your child’s learning abilities through
42 educational entertainment schemes, including
15 Exploration Games, 6 Find & Compare Games
and 3 World Knowledge Games, 4 Earth Core
Games and 8 Solar System Games; 4. Local map for additional information on
your country, allowing your child to gain
additional knowledge of their home country
through global insight AR APP: Yes (with earth core & solar system) Age Grou: 5-8, 9-14, 15+
Languages: English + French*
(can download upto 4)
特點: 內置42個學習遊戲式程式, 互動形式增加學習興趣, AR智能地球儀帶兒童遊世界
SmartGlobe Explorer AR
提起地球儀, 大家可能想起那款架在座上的傳統款式,
沒有什麼功能, 想送給小朋友, 又怕他們沒有興趣?
原來現在的地球儀已經不局限於此, 可以是打得開,
有點讀功能, 又可配合AR玩法的升級版!
Oregon Scientific推出SmartGlobe™ Explorer AR,
最重要就是, 這款地球儀還得到STEM.org™
所發出的證書, 證明有助於科學、科技、
果然是非一般, 這款智能地球儀可以把地球從架上拿下來,
還可以打開, 打開了是什麼?就是地球的內部,
形象化地將地球結構展現出來, 地殼至地核都可一一學習
另一邊則介紹太陽系, 可認識不同行星:
單單看當然不夠, 用Smart Pen點讀筆和
專為這款地球儀開發的AR App, 可以有更多玩法,
兩大玩法, 邊玩邊學:
Smart Pen點一點, 採用智能OID (光學辨識)
點讀技術的Smart Pen, 在地球儀點選知識範疇及
地區國家, 即時會讀出相關資料
涉及220+ 國家的20,000+條豐富知識,
再加上42個學習遊戲, 以互動形式增加學習興趣,
家長可以同小朋友一齊玩, 一齊學
AR App立體動畫:
Oregon Scientific更為SmartGlobe™
系列開發了AR App, 將AR技術及立體動畫融入玩法,
打開專用AR App及相機鏡頭, 對住地球表面或內面,
立體動畫馬上顯示, 以生動形式帶出500+條學習內容
預設英文點讀內容, 可下載普通話等, 共8種外語可選
無線點讀筆設計,使用更靈活, USB充電
3個年齡組別內容-專為5-8歲, 9-14歲和15歲+而設
The SmartGlobe 338R surpasses all features
of a classic globe. Besides conventional globe
function, it’s "open" to offer another level of
interactive learning - solar system and Earth’s
Inner core, both with OID games and AR interactions.
Currently no other globes in the market has
this level of engagement and interactive contents.
SmartGlobe Explorer AR Model NO. SG338R
World 1st and only "open" Globe in the market (with patent)
Children age above 5 and their parents
The "internet generation", both kids and their parents are
very familiar with internet, and looking for hi-tech, mobile,
connect oriented and interactive toys to replace
the traditional ones
Parents and Granparents who want to give
educational entertainment to their kids that
believe into the key «Learning & Fun»
Manufactured with safe-for -children materials
and coating. Putting your child out of harm’s way.
State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Certification–
guaranteeing information authenticity, allowing
your child to gain genuine knowledge about
planet Earth!
OID (Optical Identification) Technology
allows the kids to gain access to unlimited
insight about the world
Simply click on the SmartGlobe surface to
release endless educational entertainment
with amazing facts about planet Earth!
1. 20,000+ amazing facts about the world:
covering humanities, geography, history and
other aspects compiled in 15 major categories
2. Discover 220+ countries, geographical locations,
population, leaders, etc.
3. Enhance your child’s learning abilities through
42 educational entertainment schemes, including
15 Exploration Games, 6 Find & Compare Games
and 3 World Knowledge Games, 4 Earth Core
Games and 8 Solar System Games;
4. Local map for additional information on
your country, allowing your child to gain
additional knowledge of their home country
through global insight
AR APP: Yes (with earth core & solar system)
Age Grou: 5-8, 9-14, 15+
(can download upto 4)
(Builtin 8G Memory Card)