無須拉線, 節省成本 KinSwitch is a wireless switch.
It adopts the latest kinetic energy
technology, and breakthrough RF
wireless technology, no battery,
no wire, and no decoration are needed. You can control the lighting from anywhere.
Clean Kinetic energy:
No Batteries Required
Breakthrough RF wireless technology:
Intelligence control for multiple lighting systems
特點: 動能自發電, 不用接電線, RF無線連接易裝易用, 輕鬆實現雙控, 多控互控等
動能自發電, 不用接電線, RF無線連接
易裝易用, 輕鬆實現雙控, 多控, 互控,
品質生活, 輕鬆享受
現在只需要一個開關制位置, 即可控制室內
所有燈飾, 一按全亮亦可, 免除到處找燈制的煩惱
全新UKGPro品牌首創 KinSwitch動能無線開關
矚目登場, 採用全新技術, 內置微能量採集模組,
不用電池, 不接電線, 無需鑿牆挖洞, 損壞建築結構;
濕手操作, 不再擔心觸電
易裝易用, 助您一步進入無線時代,
輕鬆實現雙控, 多控, 互控, 品質生活, 輕鬆享受
KinSwitch is a wireless switch.
It adopts the latest kinetic energy
technology, and breakthrough RF
wireless technology, no battery,
no wire, and no decoration are needed.
You can control the lighting from anywhere.
No Batteries Required
Intelligence control for multiple lighting systems